rayies altaf

Sr Copy Editor

Member since Jul 2023

I am a science communicator and journalist, working in the field from past six years. I cover technology, laboratory research and environmental issues. I have Master's degree in Science Communication and another master's in science policy.

I belong to a remote region of Kashmir Valley but studied and working in Delhi from past 8 years.

  1. Fighting the invisible: How science of genomics is helping us know novel coronavirus?  Available at: https://nenow.in/opinion/fighting-the-invisible-how-science-of-genomics-is-helping-us-know-novel-coronavirus.html
  2. New web-based platform to help with micro irrigation. Available at: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/agriculture/new-web-based-platform-to-help-with-micro-irrigation-62918
  3. Missions Defining India’s Growing Scientific Prowess. Cover Story by Rayies Altaf and Kirty Sharma.  Available at: https://vigyanprasar.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/dream-july-2022-eng.pdf
  4. Scientists transform bane of black soot into a boon for water purification.       Available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/science/scientists-transform-bane-of-black-soot-into-a-boon-for-water-purification/article26496666.ece
  5. Rayies Altaf and Anup Das, Fancy a Car Driving You Around? The Race for the Driverless Car! In, Science Reporter. August 2018 Issue. (In Print and Online)  Link-   https://nopr.niscpr.res.in/bitstream/123456789/44796/1/SR%2055%288%29%2014-19.pdf

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