
Doaa Abdelbaki Saber

Freelance science journalist, translator and translation reviewer

Member since Aug 2023

My Name is Doaa Abdel-Baqi, I graduated on top of my class from the Faculty of Sciences at Mansoura University in 2012. After graduation, I worked as a translator, journalist, and content manager and  I have more than 8 years of combined experience in these fields.


I worked for some of the most prominent and prestigious local and international platforms, including Scientific American Middle East, Popular Science Arabia, and Huff Post Arabic.


I formed and led many teams and together was able to produce professional Arabic and translated content in various fields. I also co-founded Shafaff Network, which is the first network of its kind in Egypt to cover Egyptian and international universities’ news.


I have won many press grants from international institutions such as Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Cewas, Goethe Institute, the German Academic Exchange Program DAAD, MENA Alumni Network and Deutsche Welle (DW) Academie


I also won several awards for journalistic writing, including the Goethe-Institut Program Award for Scientific storytelling, and I was also able to reach the top eight in the National FameLab competition in Egypt.

1. غياب الآباء يقصر من عمر أبنائهم

2. ارتفاع حاد في معدلات زيارة الأطفال لأقسام الصحة العقلية الأمريكية

3. الأخ الأصغر سنًّا أقل في المهارات اللغوية من الأخ الأكبر

4. وفاة صديق تؤثر في الأشخاصالمقربين له مدة قد تصل إلى 4 سنوات

5. الاكتئاب يزيد خطر الإصابة بالموت المبكر

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