
Dalia Abdel Salam

Chief Editor

Member since Jul 2023

Working for Springer Nature as Chief Editor for Nature Middle East. Former Chief Editor For Scienceللعِلم   , the Arabic Edition of the monthly science magazine: Scientific American . Former Environment and Water Editor at Al Ahram Hebdo Newspaper. An award-winning journalist and Editor based in Cairo, Egypt.

Over the past 29 years, I wrote hundreds of features on climate change, pollution, Water resources, biodiversity, recycling and many other environment and Science topics. Active member in many NGO's and Media networks such as:

*Egyptian Water Partnership (EWP), *Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE), *Water Media Network. I was a board member of the Arab Science Journalists Association (ASJA). I am also working as a media consultant for national, regional and international organisations and as environmental reporting trainer. I was working as international media consultant for the Environment Minister during COP27

Since 2006, I have been acting as coordinator for Northern Africa for the African Network of Environmental Journalists (ANEJ). From July 2009 to June 2011, I Co-Directed the 7th World Conference for Science Journalists held in Doha, Qatar in 2011, a specialized conference attended by a thousand science journalists from all over the world. I have been chosen on October 2015 to represent Middle East and North African region in the Orientation Council of l’institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD), based in Quebec City, in Canada.








( the first 3 links are for podcasts about Science News with the best 3 research about health and medicine which gives hope to patients). This was a weekly podcast named a minute for Hope that I started with a colleague in 2019 till the stop of the publishing of the Arabic Edition of Scientific American in 2023!

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