
Diala Al Samarani

Medical & Health Sciences Information Specialist

Member since Jun 2023

I am a double majored medical & Health Sciences Information librarian at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), and a volunteer managing editor of the Lebanese Medical Journal LMJ. I have a master's degree in information studies, another master's degree in medical microbiology, and a bachelor's degree in laboratory sciences. I support researchers in finding resources to write projects, theses, publications, etc. 

  • Al Samarani, D. LibGuides: COVID-19 USEK Medical Library Guide: Home. https://libguides.usek.edu.lb/c.php?g=1047802&p=7603825
  • Memories from the EAHIL Conference “Inspiring, involving, informing”, 9-13 July 2018, Cardiff, Wales: a Summary about St Fagans National Museum -The Journal of the European Academy of Health Information Professionals JEAHIL, page 26 of the September issue (Vol 14 N0 3 2018) http://ojs.eahil.eu/ojs/index.php/JEAHIL/article/view/287/266.

JEAHIL website (OJS) http://ojs.eahil.eu

  • In Process of publishing an article about “Batroun Hospital, A Landmark in Dire need of Salvaging” in the Lebanese Medical Journal (LMJ)
  • In Process of preparing a guide for persons with disabilities in Lebanon at USEK Medical Library in cooperation with EDAN and the Center for Lebanese Studies at the Lebanese American University


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