
Ellen Kuwana

freelance science writer and editor

Member since Jun 2023

  1. Seattle Children's Nursing Annual Report 2022: I wrote and edited all content. https://www.seattlechildrens.org/globalassets/documents/nursing/nursing-annual-report-fy22_web.pdf
  2. Seattle Children's Research Institute Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics: wrote researcher profile, "Eliciting Navajo Values and Concerns About Genetic Research Studies. https://www.seattlechildrens.org/research/centers-programs/clinical-and-translational-research/cctr-news/feature-story/
  3. Timmerman Report. Wrote article "How a Simple Gesture Morphed Into a Full-Time Effort to Feed the Frontline. https://timmermanreport.com/2020/04/how-a-simple-gesture-morphed-into-a-full-time-effort-to-feed-the-frontline/
  4. Co-author, scientific paper. Suver, Christine and Kuwana, Ellen. mHealth Wearables and Smartphone Health Tracking Apps: A Changing Privacy Landscape. 1 Jan. 2021 : 71 – 79. https://doi.org/10.3233/ISU-210114
  5. Kuwana, , Shirts, C., & Lamberg, L. (2021). Science writing for kids: Tools, tips and techniques for a tough audience. Science Writers. National Association of Science Writers.

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