Member since Aug 2023
My degree is in Communication Sciences. I have a MA in Philosophy of Science, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
I have developed my professional career mainly at UNAM, where I started as a reporter at the General Directorate of Information and Gaceta UNAM. I was head of Press and Dissemination at the University Health Research Program, the Coordination of Scientific Research, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Institute of Biomedical Research. I have also directed the Gaceta of the Faculty of Medicine, Gaceta Biomédicas, of which I was a founder and Gaceta UNAM. I was Deputy Director of Multimedia at the General Directorate for Science Dissemination (DGDC) of the UNAM, where in co-production with TV UNAM, I coordinated the television series Creando Con Ciencia. In the Public Sector, I was a reporter and information analyst for the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras) and Director of Information at the Ministry of Health. I have published more than 600 health and research news, interviews with national and foreign researchers from various scientific fields. I am an author, co-author, or editor of several books and a member of The International Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST). From 2013-2015 I served as Head of the Institutional Communication and Transversal Services Unit of the DGDC, having under my responsibility the Festival of Sciences and Humanities, the audiovisual, videoconference, photography, and multimedia services of the DGDC, as well as the area of promotion, linkage, and attention to the media. I coordinated the Media campaign of the initiative For a Technology Without Violence #YoLoBorro, convened by the Government, Academic, and Private sectors. I am a definitive B-Titular Academic Technician in the General Directorate of Science Dissemination. My line of research refers to the public attitudes towards science and its dissemination, that of researchers towards the public and the dissemination of science, and that of those responsible for communication in the Centers, Institutes, and Programs of Scientific Research and Humanities at UNAM. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I and academics from the Faculty of Sciences displayed two surveys on the perceptions and attitudes of the Mexican population facing information about it and vaccination. With other academics, I also developed two glossaries about epidemiology and vaccination regarding the SARS-Cov 2 virus. I have other digital projects to promote the research carried out by UNAM in the scientific and humanistic areas.
La información sobre Bioseguridad y la Pandemia de Covid-19. This article is about how the public coped with large amounts of information during the Covid-19 pandemic and how much they learned or not about biosecurity to avoid infection. It also talks about misinformation and how they adopted almost any advice to be able to work and interact with others.
Glosario Básico para entender la vacunación contra la Covid-19. A brief glossary to help journalists to write about vaccination during the Covid-19 pandemic. Glosario
Constructing Knowledge Societies, PCS as a cultural practice of the scientific community in Mexico. To know how researchers in Mexico establish these kinds of practices, we designed an exploratory quantitative study, based on a survey among members of the National
Researchers System (SNI).
A virtual tour through research at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. A map with information and videos about scientific research in the main campus.,-194360,140997,77475&embedId=113832486012
CreandoConCiencia. TV Series about water, education, transportation and other social matterss in which science can provide knowledge and solutions, and the socio-political difficulties to solve them.
Laboratorio de Radioastronomía de la Preparatoria Número 5 de la UNAM. This video shows the activities that students accomplish to learn about radio astronomy and participate in NASA's Radio Jove Project.