Member since Aug 2023
After more than 10 years of working in plant genetics research as a biologist, I decided to make a U-turn in my career. I did a Master of Science Communication at Carlos III University in Madrid in 2021. Since then I have been collaborating with Divulga agency writing press releases, articles on science dissemination and interviews.
I am looking for jobs related to science journalism, corporate communication of scientific institutions or science dissemination. I am very enthusiastic about continuing to learn about the communication and dissemination of science and the new ways of reaching out to society.
Article on theragnostics technique for Alfa journal, edited by Nuclear Security Council (Spain). Volume 54, pages 35 to 40.
Article on Long-Covid, for Alfa journal (volume 51, pages 33 to 38).
Article on bacterial resistance to antibiotics for Alfa journal (volume 50, pages 6 to 11).