Olga Dobrovidova

Freelance Journalist

Member since Jun 2023

I am a science communicator and freelance journalist based in France. I'm Russia's first and only Knight Science Journalism Fellow (class of 2014-15) and MBL Logan Science Journalism Fellow (2019). I've spent more than ten years covering policy-relevant science and environment, with a focus on climate change, in Russian and English; my work can be found in N+1, Meduza, Climate Home, STAT, Undark, BBC, MIT Technology Review, Nature, and Science. In 2020-2021, I worked as a senior copywriter at Skoltech. I taught science journalism and science communication at ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, SAS in Tyumen, and other universities across Russia for five years. A McKinsey&Co Next Generation Women Leaders (2014) alumna, I was the president at AKSON, the Russian science communicators association, in 2021-2022, and I'm the current vice president of the European Federation for Science Journalism (EFSJ).

  1. Disrupted elections in the Russian Academy of Sciences https://www.science.org/content/article/disrupted-russian-academy-election-researchers-find-signs-state-meddling
  2. Scientists persecuted by the Russian state https://www.science.org/content/article/russian-scientist-facing-treason-charges-dies-custody
  3. Permafrost monitoring in Russia https://www.science.org/content/article/russia-s-new-permafrost-monitoring-system-could-improve-climate-models-protect
  4. Climate change and the Russian state https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct2dr5
  5. How the USSR broke the Volga river https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/12/15/1041312/volga-river-dams-russia-soviets-infrastructure/

More stories available at https://olgadobrovidova.contently.com/

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