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  • Zeke Aldroubi

    • Turkey

    درست خلال عامي 2010-2012 دبلومة الصحافة العلمية مع سكوباكتب منذ ذلك الوقت مع سيديف نت وغيرها 

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  • David Levine

    • United States
    • afghan

    David Levine is an independent journalist and co-chairman of Science Writers in New York. He has written articles for The New York Times, Scientific American, Nature, the...

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  • Ahmad Adel Alsaudi

    • Egypt
    • egyptian
    • Arabic

    بكالوريوس الزراعة جامعة الأزهر 2010 دبلومة الكيمياء الحيوية جامعة بنى سويف 2019دبلومة الميكروبيولوجى كلية  العلوم  جامعة  بنى سويف 2017دبلوم تصنيع اللحوم والأسماك- كلية الزراعة جامعة...

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  • Abdulrahman Abotaleb

    • Yemen
    • yemenite

    BiographyAbdulrahman M. Abotaleb, is the Editor-in-chief at Yemen science network ( and a consultant at Internews network ( He is also a freelancer writing for...

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  • Ashraf Amin

    • Egypt
    • egyptian
    • English, Arabic

    Ashraf AminI am a Senior Editor, Head of the Science & Technology Department in Al-Ahram Newspaper, project manager of the Science Journalism Forum 2022, media...

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  • Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan

    • Belgium
    • egyptian

    Mohamed Elsonbaty is an Egyptian Award-winning Science Journalist, Science Communication Consultant, and Science Journalism and Communication Trainer.He has 11 years of professional experience as a...

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  • Adel fakhir

    • Iraq
    • iraqi

    Adel FakhirScience journalist, interested in environmental, health and climate change issuesBorn in Baghdad 1968Lives in BaghdadHolds a Bachelor of Fine ArtsAnd a diploma in scientific...

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  • Abdalla Moustafa Taha Mohamed

    • Egypt
    • egyptian

    I am a professional science communicator with a passion for educating the public about science and technology. I have a degree in Pharmacy and have...

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