
Senoir Editor

senior editor

Member since Jun 2023

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Taha Haseb

Journalist & Senior Editor -Alittihad Newspaper

Abu Dhabi Media Company


I graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University in 1994 with

B degree in political science.


I worked as a political researcher for “the Decision Center” for three years, during which I had

worked on writing research papers and preparing for seminars and conferences.

Since 2000 up till now I have been working as Senior Editor in the opinion pages of the Al Ittihad newspaper in Abu Dhabi. In recent years, I have written a lot of topics on sustainable

development, environmental protection and urban agriculture. Moreover, the Dean of the Faculty

of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Catania, Italy, is one of the figures I

have interviewed about academic cooperation in agriculture.

I regularly write reports on sustainability, climate change, biodiversity and renewable energy.


In 2016, I've been awarded the FAO Press Award for the Middle East and North Africa for the

article titled by (Abu Dhabi, a race towards sustainability) and wrote an article in December 2016 on "Urban Agriculture: Food Stress in Cities of Sustainability". On December 25, a reportage was published on Sustainable Cities: A Developmental Race to Save the Planet.


From August to December 2017, I attended a training course at the Dubai Press

Club under the supervision of the Emirates Scholars Council, and I attended a

training course on environmental journalism sponsored by the Journalists

Association and the Arab Towns Environment Center of Dubai Municipality.


Member of the UAE Association of Journalists since 2002 and member of the International

Federation of Journalists.

Personal Information

Email Address: [email protected]

[email protected]

Mob: +971502133500 +971505425906

United Arab Emirates

Date of Birth 24-1-1973

Nationality: Egyptian

5 NEWS STORIES All published on Alittihad Newspaper.


  • «Cop 15» in Montreal .. making peace with nature


Relationship between climate change and biodiversity imbalance, and this is a conviction confirmed by Elizabeth Maruma Mrima, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Paris Climate Agreement has achieved a qualitative leap in the commitment of the world's countries to reduce emissions within a growing global awareness of the challenges of climate change.

  • The Year of Sustainability.. Emirati Achievements Create 'Green Awareness'

The individual's awareness of sustainability and its multiple implications is the axis of launching societies that move quickly towards climate neutrality or 'zero carbon'. And the issue is not related to more theorizing and grandiose scientific terminology as much as it is related to simple steps that the public can easily understand. Means of transportation, type of housing, food and the governing considerations when shopping.


  • Film production .. vital role to promote sustainability


The “seventh art “or movies in general and documentaries in particular play an important role in spreading awareness of the importance of preserving nature, and this trend appeared in the French documentary film (Le Monde du silence), which was produced in 1956 and used underwater cinematography to show the depths of the ocean in color. In the same year, he was awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. The technique of close-up photography and slow shots were the first steps in the path of documentaries that put nature at the center of their content.

  • Abu Dhabi and the development of agriculture.. a race towards sustainability


Organic farming is among the initiatives that aim to reduce the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides to preserve human health and the environment, optimize the use of resources, achieve integration between plant and animal production, protect wildlife and ensure biodiversity within the farm. The Abu Dhabi Farmers' Services Center believes that organic agriculture enhances the relationship between environmental systems and soil fertility to preserve human health, through the optimal use of biodiversity and agricultural cycles appropriate to local conditions, and the non-use of chemical pesticides, compound fertilizers and genetically modified inputs.

Climate change...a new international actor


Climate change is no longer a concern of environmental scientists only, but has become a global issue taking on political dimensions day after day, an actor that drives political and economic developments, new shipping lines, a race for wealth in the Arctic, disturbances and waves of displacement and perhaps future wars, innovative industries to address the danger, International negotiations to prevent repercussions, even food meals, and floating cities that take into account climate developments.

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