Grants available for Rockies-area students to attend the ScienceWriters2023 conference

SWARM announced it will offer grants for science communication students in the Rocky Mountain region to help defray costs to attend the ScienceWriters2023 conference in Colorado, Oct. 6-10, 2023. The Science Writers Association of the Rocky Mountains (SWARM) works to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community among science writers, communicators, educators, students, and others in the Rocky Mountain region who are interested in writing about science for the public. Through networki......

SWARM announced it will offer grants for science communication students in the Rocky Mountain region to help defray costs to attend the ScienceWriters2023 conference in Colorado, Oct. 6-10, 2023.

The Science Writers Association of the Rocky Mountains (SWARM) works to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community among science writers, communicators, educators, students, and others in the Rocky Mountain region who are interested in writing about science for the public. Through networking, development and other events, we help science writers advance their professional skills. We aim to promote accurate, accessible, and ethical science writing as well as foster the understanding of science and technology and their relevance to society through scientific literacy. We host virtual and in-person events for science writers, organized by a volunteer board.

Head over to ‘join us‘ to become a SWARM member or to get on our email list. All you need is an interest in science communication in the Rockies.

NEW: Grants available for Rockies-area students to attend the ScienceWriters2023 conference

SWARM is pleased to announce it will offer grants for science communication students in the Rocky Mountain region to help defray costs to attend the ScienceWriters2023 conference in Colorado, Oct. 6-10, 2023. 

One grant of up to $1,000 is available to a student who is not based in the greater Denver-Boulder metro area. The intent of this grant is to help defray travel, lodging and registration costs for a student who has to travel a significant distance to attend the national conference.

One or more additional grants of up to $250 are available to students who are based in the Denver-Boulder metro area. The intent of these grants is to help defray registration and incidental costs (such as gas, other transportation expenses, and meals) for a student to attend the conference in person. 

Applications are open to anyone 18 years or older who is currently enrolled in a degree-granting undergraduate (including community college) or graduate program of study; AND whose primary residence or institution of study is located in one of the following states: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado or New Mexico; AND who has a demonstrable interest in science communication. Current members of the SWARM board are ineligible to apply. The awards committee will be a subset of the SWARM board.

To apply, fill out the Google Form by 11:59 pm MT on Tuesday, August 29. We will notify the successful applicants on or before Tuesday, September 5. Questions? Email [email protected].

Funds will be provided as reimbursement after the conference, with receipts required, or they can be provided as a travel advance if needed. Grant recipients will be asked to provide a short written testimonial after the conference on the value of being able to attend. 

Grant recipients will also receive a one-year complimentary student membership in SWARM (value $15).

Questions? Drop us a line at sciwrirockies-at-gmail-dot-com.

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  • Category:Grants
  • Deadline:August 29, 2023
  • Languages:English
  • Location:Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado or New Mexico