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  • Munyaradzi Makoni

    • South Africa
    • zimbabwean

    He specialises in story-driven science journalism for a range of local and international publications. His stories have appeared in Archaeology magazine, Chemistry World, The Lancet,...

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  • Arthur GBAGUIDI

    • Benin
    • beninese
    • Anglais, Français

    Je suis journaliste depuis 2005, j'ai travaillé pour le journal ''Le Paradoxe'', puis pour le journal ''Adjinakou'', puis pour ''Point Média'' et actuellement je collabore...

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  • Amr Rageh

    • Egypt
    • egyptian
    • Arabic, and English.

    I am a freelance science journalist dedicated to bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and the general public. Armed with a solid educational foundation and...

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  • Rosalba Namihira Guerrero

    • Mexico
    • mexican
    • Spanish, English.

    My degree is in Communication Sciences. I have a MA in Philosophy of Science, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).I have developed my...

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  • Pauline Hellen Mlogeni

    • Malawi

    Pauline Hellen Mlogeni is a Media, Communications, Advocacy, and Public Relations professional highly skilled in developing public campaigns and content for print, broadcast, social and...

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  • Zuze Sebastian Matoliro

    • Malawi

    Zuze Matoliro is an experienced media and communications specialist with his professional trajectory touching on science communication, media, and community engagement.He has a bachelor’s degree...

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  • Sahoni Sarkar

    • India

    Science Journalist and Scientoonist and environmentalist who always try to spread science as the easiest way to can

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  • Tarek Yehia Soliman Kapiel Kapiel

    • Egypt
    • egyptian

    د. طارق يحيى سليمان قابيلأكاديمي، كاتب، ومترجم، ومحرر علميعضو هيئة التدريس بقسم النبات والميكروبيولوجي، كلية العلوم، جامعة القاهرة[email protected]*متخصص في الوراثة الجزيئية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية وعضو هيئة...

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  • Mercy Chelangat

    • Kenya

    Mercy Chelangat is a Science Reporter  at the Nation Media Group. She has worked as a reporter for the Daily Nation since July 2019. She...

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